Thursday, July 4, 2019

Simple FDT GUI Wrapper Built in JAVA..

Simple FDT GUI Wrapper Built in JAVA..

FDT is an Application for Efficient Data Transfers which is capable of reading and writing at disk speed over wide area networks (with standard TCP). It is written in Java, runs an all major platforms and it is easy to use. FDT is based on an asynchronous, flexible multithreaded system and is using the capabilities of the Java NIO libraries. 

Was searching for a FDT GUI and found none. So created this quickly in java. Output is a jar file. Please provide feedback to murugappanp at So many improvements can be done. Will do and watch this space for improvements as and when time permits. Below is a screen shot.

Download source etc from github here
File - FDTGUI.jar

1) Server side - Start the remote server by the command java -jar fdt.jar
2) Client side - Provide the local full path including the fdt.jar file
3) Choose the file to be transferred (Single file for now only)
4) Provide the remote destination folder on the FDT server and start transfer

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